Thursday, April 24, 2014


     Many people go through life day after day just doing what they are told to do. "Tonight for homework finish assignment 12-2" or "you have a meeting at 2". What will doing these things do? Why do we do them? Most do not know, while others think they have life all figured out. I suppose everyone's goal in life is to be happy, but why are people doing so much that does just the opposite? For the money? For the fame? Some believe strongly in religion without second guessing it. Was there really this guy who supposedly came from heaven to earth to save us? If that idea had just come up it would have been ridiculed. Why is it now considered as real as gravity by multiple millions? Other people believe that we live on this earth in an infinite universe and that we can do whatever we wish without it really mattering in the grand scheme of things. This concept is no doubt controversial. Who is right? Who is wrong? That is the hard choice we all have to decide. Some people chose to do what everyone they were raised by do. Others question a little more. I am doubtful that I will ever know for sure why I am here if for any reason at all, but for now I am living how I want to live and I have no regrets. Leave comments on what you have decided for now as it is quite the interesting topic! Should we just follow the flow and do what we are told? Or should we branch out and live life more free?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

CJ Golf Academy

This blog is on the progress of Chris's and Justin's 20% time project. We decided to make a YouTube channel of instructronal golf videos called CJ Golf Academy. We haven't filmed any videos yet because we have been planning the videos and figuring out what to teach our future audience. I think we will have our first video filmed and edited by the start of next week. The channel is up so make sure to subscribe!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

If I could change one thing in the world...

How Energy is Produced

If I could change one thing in this crazy world, it would probably be the way energy is produced. Nowadays, a lot of our energy is produced by burning coal and gasoline. Obviously, we all know that this pollutes the earth and causes global warming.

One might ask, well why don't the energy companies just become more green to save the environment and help our great great grandchildren have the opportunity to enjoy the earth like us? This brings us to another point; greed. Surprisingly, there are a lot of people out there that simply cannot get enough money. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. The people who run these oil and coal companies do not want any changes to be made because then, they would not be getting payed bazillions of dollars. These people will do anything they can to promote their company even if it means slowly killing the earth. Now you can call me a hippi, but if you look at it, it is just common sense.

There are many better ways to produce energy like water spinning turbines, absorbing energy from the sun, and even getting energy from the heat of the earths core. These are all much better alternatives to burning oil and coal. If energy companies all chose to get their energy from windmills or dams or things like that, the earth would be much better off.

Also, imagine a world where cars run on water or solar panels. Thanks to technology solar panels are rapidly increasing in efficiency and in the distant future, solar panels will be very efficient and might even be able to power a car for a low cost. That sounds much better than pumping damaging fumes into the air to me.

But solar panels or windmills or hydroelectric energy could not only be used to power cars, but eventually your whole home. Imagine a world where you have solar panels covering your roof and a windmill in your backyard. This would be so much better for the environment not to mention, its free! Absolutely no more electric bills. Zero.

Can you imagine how drastically it would help earth if everyone was self sufficient on electricity, or if every car ran on sunlight? Well for starters, cars would no longer need the circulate button on the air conditioner. The quality of the air would be like you were camping and it would be in the middle of a city.

I do not think that all of this can happen yet due to how strong the oil companies grips are on the suppliers but I think once the oil starts to run out, and it will, we will have to serious changes towards finding another major energy source. Hopefully, we will be prepared to make the transition to more green resources and we will not go through an energy crisis which is highly unlikely, but one never knows in this crazy world. I hope that one day I will see everyone using the sunlight, wind, and water to their advantage.

Monday, November 11, 2013


     The weather lately has been brisk and sometimes cloudy. This is one of my favorite times of the year because of the temperature and color. For some reason I feel very calm and chill during the fall. Fall is the perfect time for golf too. I know a lot of people who just do not like clouds, but I am not that kind of person. What is your favorite season and why?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Half and Half

     Half and Half is an amazing beverage consisting of lemonade and iced tea.  Also known as an Arnold Palmer, I have brought this drink almost everyday to school since I discovered it at Kroger. This drink has a refreshing mixture of flavors that is a much preferred alternative to water. I like to get the singles to add to water instead of getting the cans. This drink never gets old. What is your favorite drink?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


     I have recently read an article that talked about an oarfish that had recently washed ashore near Santa Barbara, California. I was stunned when I saw the enormous dragon-like deep sea creature. It can grow over 50 feet long and lurks as deep as 3,000 feet. It swims near the surface of the water when sick or dying which stirred up old rumors about "sea-serpents". This creature eats plankton and other small prey and is most vulnerable to sharks. It also has gelatinous flesh that is not edible. The ocean is filled with so much amazing life and I cannot wait for more fascinating finds like the mystical oarfish. What is the most interesting creature that you have stumbled upon?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


     As many people know, golf is a game in which one must try to hit a golf ball with a club in such a way as to get it in the hole with the least amount of strokes or hits possible.  There are usually eighteen holes on a course, however, there are sometimes nine. On the course, one is only allowed 14 clubs to hit with.

     This is my second year playing golf, and it just keeps getting more and more fun to see and hear the ball take off the better I get.  It is a feeling of inexplicable joy when I hit a perfect shot.  I can't even go a week without getting on the course or I go through what's called SGW or severe golf withdrawal.

     Although the game of golf is projected to grow 30 million players by 2017, I still would like to help other people get engaged in the game so that they can potentially have a lot fun with it.  Golf has also helped me to learn to get better control over my emotions, being a tough game at times. Golf is awesome.